
Write the Rules:

Procedural Storytelling


  1. step01_writetheRules

    Explain that a procedural story is a set of rules a story follows, not the story itself. These rules ensure that the story is different every time. Collectively come up with the first “rule” of a story. Usually, the first rule will be the theme of the story (e.g. “The story has to be about robots”).

  2. step02_writetheRules

    Break into 3 groups, have each group come up with a rule the story has to follow. Assign the categories “characters”, “perspective” and “action”. The “characters” group comes up with a rule that designates the “who” of the story. The perspective group finds a rule for “how” the story is told (from which perspective). The “action” group comes up with “what” happens in the story.

  3. step03_writetheRules

    Once the rules are written, post them on the wall and have each group create a story. Also have learners suggest ways a user could participate in the story.

  4. step04_writetheRules

    Finally, have learners present their stories to the group. Have participants talk about their stories.



Discuss the process of the hacktivity and talk about the idea that procedural storytelling is a way of designing stories so that they're different every time. How did the hacktivity illustrate this idea?